Sunday, July 27, 2014

Identifying Abandoned Villages

Many players have trouble getting the resources needed to fund building upgrades. It is quite simple to raise over 1 million resources per hour if you have the patience and knowledge to do so. the first part is being able to identify abandoned villages. With an abandoned village almost all of the resources are in mines and elixir collectors. This makes the resources easy to take from the village your attacking without the need of penetrating into the defending village.

Here are the major signs of an abandoned village.

  1. Missing league rank
  2. A lot of resources
  3. Resource containers appear to be empty
  4. Resource levels are close to equal
  5. Both gold mine buckets are full
  6. There are tombstones all over the place
  7. There are a lot of obstacles 
  8. No clan
  9. Builder huts are inactive
  10. Crossbow is not loaded
  11. Inferno tower isn't charged
In this picture you can see most of the signs that are needed to identify this village as abandoned. 

To get the resources from an abandoned village all that you need to do is to unleash your barbarians and archers on each side and let them pillage away. 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

TH8 - Anti-hog/dragon War Base

I present to you the anti-hog/dragon war base design.   This is a variation of a base that I found on the internet that I believe have improved on.  The most common attack on a TH8 base are Hog Riders and Dragon attacks.  This base is designed to defend against both.  

Notice how the bombs are clustered together.  One small bomb on its own doesn't do a lot of damage especially when the attacking army has a healer in the raiding party but when you cluster bombs together they are usually able to kill the attackers even through a healers healing powers.  The damage accumulates so fast the healer doesn't have a chance to heal the damage that was done. 

Air Defenses are located behind the second wall making the tougher for your attackers to get at.  Therefore your attacker either has to spend more on ground troops to get to Air Defense (AD) or attack you with very high level air attackers that can soak up the damage.  The AD is placed in a triangular pattern so that if one AD is being attached the other can reach the attacking troop.

If you have questions or comments please leave them in comments section or hit me up in clan chat.

TH8 War Base - Schimmy

I wanted to create a TH8 War Base with the following elements:

  • Inner triangulation of mortars and air defense
  • Centralized town hall and clan castle
  • Outer layer of giant funneling with traps
  • A ring of archer towers, teslas, and wizard towers to help prevent air attacks
Many of the attacks against town hall 8 and up are air attacks, either balloons or dragons. By creating an inner ring of air defense it is difficult to disable the air defense without a great troop investment forcing your attacker to go all air or all ground. 

If the attacker goes all air there will be little resistance until the troops reach the second ring of defense. The likelihood that their troops will survive as all of your air defense will work together to thwart your attackers.

If the attacker goes ground giants will start flying and PEKKA will be greeted with teslas minimizing their abilities to get very far.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

TH8 Farming Base - Flying Balance

TH8 Farming Base - Balance

The idea of this farming base design is balanced defense and balanced resources layout.  It is compartmentalized to make it difficult to get far into the base without have to sacrifice a lot of troops. 

Again the BK and Clan Castle are central to the design and in the middle of all of the resource storage tanks.   

TH8 Farming Base - Typhoon

Much like the "TH8 Farming Base-Schimmy" this base is designed to funnel Giants around the core of the base and make them fly.  Even if your would be attacker uses Wall Breakers on your outside wall the Giants will still be force around in a circle.  The Clan Castle is pretty much dead center in the middle of the base.  This is important because it is your most valuable defensive structure in a farming base.  Always make sure to request troops for it before you log off no matter what base design you decide you to use.

Make sure to rotate in and out of the center your most valuable resources that you are trying to accumulate for that next upgrade.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

When to Upgrade Your Town Hall

Having trouble figuring out the best time to upgrade your Town Hall? This simple guide will make it easier for you to make the decision. 

Town Hall Levels 1 -2
During the first two levels it doesn't matter when you upgrade. Get your storage buildings upgraded then get your town hall to level 3 as quickly as you can. 

Town Hall Levels 3 -4
At this level you need to make sure all of your buildings are built and your storage buildings are high. Once that is done focus on your laboratory. The lab is now your main focus, you need to keep it upgrading at all times. This is your first priority. You should upgrade your town hall when you get close to running out of things to upgrade in your lab.

Town Hall Levels 5-9
Your lab is still your first priority for upgrading but instead of upgrading your Town Hall based on lab upgrades, you now need to make sure you are close to maxing out all of your buildings before upgrading. Don't worry so much about maxing out your mines and elixir collectors, they are important but not crucial to your success in the upper levels.  

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

TH7 War Base - Pink Mist

This is a variation on the ball that is used frequently in TH8 bases. The base uses forced paths at the outer level to force your attackers giants into springs. If your attacker manages to make it past the outer levels they are forced into the center where they will be greeted by 2 teslas and some major explosions. Getting 1 star from this base is possible but getting 3 will be very difficult.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

TH6 War Base - Flying Giants

This base has worked really well for me through two accounts. Although it looks very simple the giants are forced into a path of destruction.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

TH7 War Base - Jon

Is farming season over and you are ready make a move up the trophy ladder?  Are you looking for a solid Clan War base?  

In the image below you will see the base layout intended for use in Clan Wars.  You can tell that this is a Clan War base because all of the structures are spread out to make it difficult to pull the Clan Castle troops. This base works well for a few different reasons:
  • It is harder for the attacker to aim their wall breakers at the spots they want them to go.
    • Wall breakers have a tendency to head for the corners of the walls.  
    • Long straight walls make it easier for an attacker to aim WBers.
  • There are multiple layers of defenses to get through in order to get to the mortars and air defenses.  
  • This design takes advantage of all the resource structures having to be attacked first by ground attacks.
    • Your defenses can kill a lot of troops before they even get to your walls.

NOTE:  This design is missing two structures.  The Barbarian King and the Dark Elixir Barracks.

If you want to use this design for Trophies make sure you bring your resource structures closer to your walls so that they are better protected to make it harder for the attackers to get one star.

TH7 Farming Base - Jon

This base is designed for the free give away of your Town Hall in exchange for a 12 hour shield.  The Town Hall is strategically placed out of the range of all defense structures.

If your attacker really wants to get at your resources this base design will make them work for it.  All four sides of the base have a wall opening with a spring trap at the openings to make Giants Fly.  Each one of the openings is also protected by either a cannon or wizard tower.  Making anything that happens to make it through the spring trap be a target for at least three other defense structures.  

Note:  This design is missing two structures.  The Barbarian King and Dark Elixir Barracks.

The BK structure should be located where the Spell factory is currently shown.  The spell factory can move to the left hand side by camp and barracks.  The DE barracks can be located on the right hand side by the barracks and camp.