Monday, March 16, 2015

TH9 - GoWiPe/GoWiWi Strategy

As you ascend to the higher levels of TH9 and TH10 you will notice that it becomes harder and harder to 2 star, let alone 3 star a war base at your level. This guide will help you prepare your attack to maximize your chances at getting at least 2 stars on your attack.

Building Your Army
2     Golems (60 units)
3     Pekkas (75 units)
2     Witches (24 units)
15   Wizards (60 units)
1     Archer (1 unit)
1     Healing Spell
2     Rage Spells
1     Jump Spell

4     Golems (120 units)
4     Witches (48 units)
13   Wizards (52 units)
1     Healing Spell
2     Rage Spells
1     Jump Spell

The Drop
I prefer to attack from the side. If you wish to attack from the corner or if the base makes it more advantageous to attack from a corner then by all means do so. The side you should base your attack from is the side with the Archer Queen and hopefully opposite the Barbarian King and/or Clan Castle. The Archer Queen does a lot of damage and does not move a lot while protecting a base. I aim at her to get her dead while the healing spell is still active.

I like to have the Barbarian King and Clan Castle on the opposite side of the Town Hall because they tend to pull your troops toward them and if they are on the opposite side of the Town Hall, your troops will be sitting on the Town Hall when they are finished killing them.

You need to avoid attacking at an angle where the Archer Queen and Barbarian King are on either side of your drop spot. This will cause your troops to veer away from the Town Hall and likely end up giving you a 1 star attack instead of a 2.

Drop Order
Always drop the Golems first. They are fantastic meat shields and they go straight for the defensive structures in your enemy's base. Once the Golems are targeted drop your Wizards. The goal here is to knock down the first set of buildings so your Pekkas (for GoWiPe) will go toward the center. The other purpose off the Wizards is to blow away walls, Clan Castle troops, the Archer Queen and Barbarian King. the witches go last as they need the most protection and you want them targeted last.

The first spell you will use is the Healing Spell. After you drop your Wizards you will need to keep an eye on the Golems. If they start to take too much damage or if the Clan castle troops are deployed you will need to drop your Healing Spell. This will keep your Golems alive long enough for your Wizards to catch up and blast away your enemies.

Rage Spells should be used on two occasions. The first is when you encounter the Clan Castle troops and the second is when you engage the Town Hall. The Town Hall has the most hit points and  needs to be knocked down as quickly as possible so your troops can go back to wiping the village.

The Jump Spell should be used to get your Golems into the area of the Town Hall. Usually the most dangerous defensive weapons are located in the center with the Town Hall. Giving your troops easy access to that area will ease the way into getting the Town Hall down faster.

Your Clan Castle Troops
Your first choice for CC troops is whatever someone can give you that is an upgrade over your troops. If you have someone in the clan with a higher level Golem then cook 7 more Wizards and 2 more Archers and put the higher level Golem in your CC. If no one in your clan has higher level troops than you do be courteous and ask for Wizards. If you are attacking with a GoWiPe/GoWiWi and your clan cannot provide you with Wizards then you are in the wrong clan.

I don't like using Wallbreakers. Wallbreakers have one purpose in life and then they are done. Many times they aren't even able to accomplish their one goal in life. If it is a choice between 8 Wallbreakers and 4 Wizards I would always choose the Wizards. 4 Wizards will end up knocking down more walls and will do a lot more damage along the way.

I don't pull the Clan Castle Troops. I see many attacks fail because they wasted 10 troops to pull the CC, and another 30 troops to kill the CC. You can accomplish the same thing with 1 Healing Spell. Just keep your Golems alive during the onslaught and you will have 10 more Wizards thrashing the village you are attacking than if you pulled their CC.

Good Luck!

Monday, March 9, 2015

TH9 War Base - Schimmy

This is the current war base that I am using for TH9. I have some moderate success with it and since my defensive buildings are getting stronger it is getting tougher for opponents to get two stars. Every two star attack I get is from someone with some very high level troops.

What makes this a good base?

  1. Centralized Town Hall and Clan Castle.
  2. Centralized  X Bows and Tesla's.
  3. Cannons have been moved toward the center to help knock off big troops for GoWiPe type of attacks. 
  4. Bombs and traps are set in big groups to ensure hogs cannot take down your defenses. 
  5. The Archer Queen and Barbarian King have been strategically placed to lure your attackers away from the Town Hall.
  6. Air Defense buildings are spread out to make sure spells cannot be used to take down all of the buildings. 
  7. Paths have been created to send attacking ground troops around  the base instead of towards the center. 


TH9 Farming Base - Schimmy

This is the farming base I am currently using. My goals for the base are:

  1. Leave the Town Hall outside for cheap shields.
  2. Centralize the Clan castle. 
  3. Protect the main storage buildings.
  4. Set the traps toward the outside of the base to try and stop the main forces from getting any depth.
  5. Double up Giant Bombs to prevent hog attacks.
  6. Place collectors close to the defense for maximum protection.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

TH7 Farming Base - Seth

Credit for this base goes to Seth from the clan Youngwild&Free. I saw this base and I thought it had enough merit to put it up on the blog. Seth had a barbarian king in his arsenal which is substituted for one of the collectors or mines. You can switch it for an inner canon if you want to use it for defense.

As usual the base has the clan castle in its center and a nice triangulation of mortars. Like all good farming bases the Town Hall is placed well outside the normal base to get free 12 hour shields. I did adjust the archer towers to give the base a better chance of holding off air attacks.

The traps in this base are in obvious locations so the seasoned vet will try to plow through the wall with wall breakers, only to find a bunch of bombs waiting. The most important part of this base is of course the central location of all of the storage buildings. This base should give you ample protection against attacks your level.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

TH8 Farming Base - Flying Giants

This design is based on the previous series of Flying Giants bases. Like the previous bases in this series it has some vulnerability to resource lost but it will come at a high cost as all resource collectors and storage are well protected. The mortars and air defense are in a standard triangle pattern. The clan castle is put in the center with the dark elixir storage to provide maximum protection for your dark elixir.

Attacks leading with giants will go down quickly as they will go for the quick open kill of defensive buildings in the corners. The giants surviving the spring trap will be punished with a giant bomb and a tesla in addition to the other defensive buildings in the surroundings.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Best Guide I have found - Flammy's Strategy Guide

I have been thinking about writing a guide for a while now, but I came across this guide.  It has everything you could possibly want to know about CoC.  It even shows you how all of the different troops tend to path and explains why they path the way they do.

So what are you waiting for? Check it out.

Flammy's Strategy Guide

Friday, August 1, 2014


There are different purposes for raiding. the main reason for raiding is of course to acquire resources. You can also raid to do gain trophies to move up in leagues. The purpose of this article is to help you create an army that will get the resources you want.

Resource Location
One of the most important parts of raiding is understanding where the resources are. Here is a chart that shows where to find your resources and how much you can get from them.

Building Type Gold/Elixir Dark Elixir
Town Hall You can steal 100% of the loot for a max of 1000 Not available
Storage You can steal 20% - 2% per TH level past 5, Cap is 200k plus 50k for every level past TH5 You can steal 6% - 1% per TH level past 8, Cap is 2000 plus 500 for every level past TH8
Collectors/Mines You can steal 50%, Cap is the storage capacity You can steal 75%, Cap is the storage capacity
Clan Castle You can steal 10% - 1% per TH level past TH5, Cap is the storage capacity of the Clan Castle You can steal 7% - 1% per TH level past TH8, Cap is the storage capacity of the Clan Castle

As you can see the highest level of loot is from the collectors, which fortunately for the raider are usually located outside of the village walls. The first thing you need to do is to see if there are any resources located in the collectors. I have created an article labelled Identifying Abandoned Villages to aid you in this endeavor.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Check town hall placement first. If it is a farming base with a town hall in a corner attack it but use only 4 troops unless it is also an abandoned village.
  2. Check the amount of resources that can be looted and make sure it is an abandoned village. If not move on. 
  3. Don't worry about the amount of gold it takes to find the right base to attack. In the law of averages you will gain a lot more than you spend if you just keep searching for the right base.
  4. Don't use all of your troops if you don't need them. If you get your resources and go over 50% of the village destroyed there is no need to drop any more troops. 
  5. Don't use spells when you are farming for resources unless you think you will gain more than you are spending by a lot.
  6. Start off your attack by hitting the corners. Sometimes they will give you the added percentage you need to get a few trophies.

Goblin Raid
Composition: 100% goblins or 8 to 10 wall-breakers and the rest goblins.
When to use: Use a goblin raid if you only care about resources. Add wall-breakers if you want to go deeper into the base to attempt to get dark elixir.
Positive: Cheap and quick. The goblin army will rarely net you a loss in resources and the speed in which you can make goblins means you can constantly be attacking.
Negative: It is very rare that you will gain trophies on a goblin raid. The goblins will skip normal buildings in their thirst for resources.
How to attack: Dump goblins in groups of 15-20 around the perimeter of the base. If you are trying for dark elixir wait until they are about to go after a wall before dropping your wall-breakers.

Barch Raid (preferred attack strategy until Gold 2)
Composition: 30% barbarians and 70% archers, add wall-breakers for dark elixir
When to use: Use Barch Raids to get a high amount of resources and a good chance of earning a small amount of trophies.
Positive: Cheap and quick. The barch raid will rarely yield a loss in either resources or trophies in the lower to mid levels. The barch army is also a quick army to build.
Negative: When you reach Gold 1 and above it will become increasingly difficult to gain trophies on raids.
How to attack: Draw a line of barbarians across one of the edges of the village. Select the archers and draw the same line. Continue this all the way around the base.

Archer Raid (preferred attack strategy for Gold 1 and up)
Composition: 100% archers
When to use: Use archer raids when you want a high percentage resource yield with an almost  guaranteed chance of getting trophies.
Positive: Cheap and quick. Although the archer raid is double the cost of a goblin raid it is still a very cheap army to create and it can be created in a short amount of time. You are also almost guaranteed trophies on your attack.
Negative: Costs more than the barch or goblin raid and takes longer to create.
How to attack: Draw a line of archers across one of the edges of the village. Continue this all the way around the base. Reinforce areas that need it.

Traditional Raid (preferred attack strategy for getting dark elixir or trophies)
Composition: 15 giants, 1 healer, 8 wall-breakers, 10 wizards, 15 barbarians, 20 archers and 20 goblins
When to use: Use this raid only when you need to go deep inside a base for dark elixir.
Positive: This base has the potential of clearing a village but usually it is used to get deep inside a base to get to the dark elixir storage.
Negative: Can cost up to 100k elixir to create. Also takes a lot of time to cook wizards and healer.It will probably limit you to 1 attack per hour.
How to attack: Use your barbarians to pull CC troops if they are present. Try to aim your giants at an air defense so you can get your healer down as soon as possible. Once you have a few giants down start putting down wall-breakers and more giants. After they have penetrated a bit start unleashing your barbarians and archers while keeping to lead your giants through with the wall-breakers. Once the dark elixir storage area is reached unleash the goblins.